House Rules

House Rules

House Rules

As per any establishment, there are house rules for all to adhere to. Be it that we are one of the busiest clubs in all Elkdom, we rely on our members and their guests to be aware of our house rules.


1.  The House Committee is responsible for the administration of the Club’s operations and enforcement of House Rules. The Club Manager on duty, Officers of the Lodge, and members of the House Committee are authorized to enforce these rules. Offenders may be asked to: a) cease an activity; b) immediately leave the premises with their family and guests; c) appear before the House Committee; d) all of the above. Offenders may face suspension of Club privileges by the House Committee or a Lodge Subordinate Forum, with penalties as per Grand Lodge Statutes.

2.  During Lodge meetings, all Club facilities will be closed.

3.  The Club Manager shall maintain a calendar of all Lodge and Club events. The Lodge events must be approved on a Lodge calendar maintained by the Secretary. The House Committee must approve sponsored club events. Other functions must be approved by the Club Manager and the Board by written contract. Events may be sponsored by Lodge Members by written contract as arranged with the Club Manager and approved by the Board. Events sponsored by Members are private functions that cannot be advertised to the public, generate revenue for personal or business gain, or be used as political fundraisers.

The Club

1.  Use of the Club facilities shall be limited to Members in good standing in the Order, family members with current Elk Identification Card, and bona fide guests of Members. The Elk Member is directly and personally responsible for each of their family, guests, and children of their guests. An “unaffiliated Elk” or delinquent Member of this Lodge cannot be signed in as a guest of this Lodge. Any such usage is deemed “conduct unbecoming of an Elk.” Use of the Club facilities by Members of other Lodges shall be in accordance with the local laws, House Rules, Lodge By-laws, and Grand Lodge Statutes. A Member with a current Identification Card must accompany all guests. The use of the Club facilities by non-members shall be in accordance with the following restrictions: a) As guests and in the company of a Member with a current Elk Identification Card; b) At social functions sponsored by one or more Members to whom the Lodge will direct billings for their costs; c) Event permitted under local laws and by the Grand Lodge for public attendance at the Lodge facility.

2.  Complaints regarding the Club facilities, Club management, Club operations, or Club employees working within the Lodge or Club facilities shall be submitted to the House Committee in writing. Complaints concerning Lodge employees shall be directed to the Secretary. The complaint must be signed in full, along with the complainant’s printed name and identification number. Any and all complaints, comments, recommendations, and suggestions from Lodge Members regarding Club operations shall be directed to the House Committee or Manager on duty and not to individual employees. Any such activities are a material infraction and deemed a violation of House Rules.

3.  After a shift is completed, employees shall not loiter in the Club or Lodge facilities but immediately leave the premises through the front door. Employees cannot leave their children unattended at the Club. No employee of either the Lodge or a Management Company will be permitted to enter the Club for any social purposes unless they are: a) a bona fide Elk Member with a current Identification Card; b) a bona fide dependent of an Elk Member; c) or signed in by a bona fide Elk Member. Employees must not wear their uniform while using the Club.

4.  The Front Desk shall keep a daily log known as the “Red Book.” All items of importance shall be logged with complete information. Any member of the House Committee or any Officer of the Lodge may review the “Red Book.”

5.  No Member or Member’s guest(s) will be admitted to the Club premises without the Member, first presenting a current Lodge membership Identification Card and personal identification upon request to the Front Desk personnel. The Member’s Lodge membership card and personal Identification Card must be presented to management or any Officer upon request. Failure to do so may result in a Member having to leave the premises.

6.  No petition, subscriptions, circulars, papers, or advertising matter of any kind, shall be circulated within the Lodge or Club, nor shall any article be offered for sale in the Lobby or Club areas, excepting by the approval of the Lodge or House Committee.

7.  The House Committee or Club Manager may refuse service to anyone at their discretion within the guidelines and Statutes of the Order. Furthermore, Members may be asked to immediately leave along with their guests from the Club facilities for a serious infraction of the House Rules when behavior warrants it. However, common sense must prevail. Failure to immediately leave when asked is conduct unbecoming of an Elk. Any artifice to circumvent the House Committee and/or their decisions is deemed conduct unbecoming of an Elk.

8.  No equipment or supplies of the Lodge or Club shall be loaned to anyone without the board’s written approval, except those items that aid the physically challenged. The Lodge Secretary will sign out this equipment. Anyone who borrows any property of the Lodge or Club shall be held liable for any loss or damage to these properties.

9.  No board games or card playing will be allowed indoors on the first floor of the facilities, but may be allowed in the pool area, Kainalu Room, second floor Lanai, and the Lodge Room when these areas are not being used for other scheduled events.

10.  The House Committee’s actions and decisions are administrative and binding. The House Committee may suspend a Member from the Club. A suspended Member cannot use any Club facility. Furthermore, a suspended Member cannot be invited as a guest and can only be on the premises to attend a Lodge meeting for formal Lodge services or Lodge or Committee business.

11.  Rules governing activities or operations of the Lodge or Club and approved by the Lodge and the Grand Lodge Committee on Judiciary shall be published every five years with amendments added as changes occur. Such booklet format shall be organized by the area covered, i.e., Dining Room, Bar, Front Desk, Locker Rooms, Pool area, Lodge, etc., with each rule being identified by section number.

12.  The Lodge is not responsible for any personal property while on the premises.

13.  No alcohol shall be consumed in the entryway or parking area at any time.

14.  Conduct unbecoming an Elk shall be deemed to include every violation of the Lodge or House Rules, and personal conduct likely to bring reproach upon the Order.

15.  The Lodge reserves the right to conduct random membership card and personal Identification Card checks.


1.  The Lodge parking lot hours will be from 6:00 a.m. to closing of the Club or Lodge event, whichever is later. The parking lot is for Members first and foremost.

2.  All parked cars must have a current Elks Lodge #616 parking decal permanently affixed to the lower inside right corner of the windshield or a current guest parking permit placed on the dashboard in plain sight. Vehicles with decals not permanently affixed are subject to tow. A decal is valid only for the vehicle for which it was issued. Guest parking passes may be issued at the discretion of the House Committee, Lodge Secretary, or Club Manager through the Front Desk and shall be valid for the day it was issued.

3.  Honolulu Elks Lodge will not assume responsibility for any losses or damage involving vehicles on the Lodge property at any time.

4.  The parking lot may be secured at the entrance and exit at closing time. Parking will not be permitted overnight except by prior arrangement with the Exalted Ruler, Lodge Secretary, House Committee, or the Club Manager. Unauthorized cars left in the lot after closing are subject to tow.

5.  Employees may park in a designated area during their working hours. During Lodge functions or whenever necessary, employees will remove their vehicle from the parking lot when instructed by a member of the House Committee or Club Manager. Employees may be issued a laminated parking pass with the employee’s name and date of employment. Upon termination of employment at the Lodge, the employee shall return the parking pass to the Lodge Secretary.

6.  The House Committee may restrict parking to those Members who have purchased a parking decal when deemed necessary for Lodge functions.

7.  When valet service is provided, the valets must park all vehicles to maximize the number of cars parked in the lot. Members and guests who do not want the valets to park their vehicles must find parking elsewhere.

8.  Only a Member or guest with a legitimate “handicap” card or sticker shall park in the “handicapped” stalls.

9.  The parking lot is to be used by Members and their bona fide guests while using the facilities or while attending a Lodge function, providing the rules are followed.

10.  Vehicles found in violation of the parking lot rules will be subject to tow at the owner’s expense.

Swimming Pool Area and Grounds

1.  Normal pool hours are from 9:00 a.m. until 30 minutes after sunset daily, except when closed for cleaning and maintenance. The Exalted Ruler, Lodge Secretary, the Club Manger, or House Committee members have the prerogative to open or close the pool at any time. The House Committee will establish and may make changes to pool rules and operational hours to promote safety and better manage the pool area. Violations of pool rules are considered conduct unbecoming of an Elk. It is a violation when a Member or bona fide guest(s) refuses to leave the premises when asked to do so by the Club Manager on duty, Exalted Ruler, member of the House Committee, or Lodge Officer. Failure to immediately leave is deemed conduct unbecoming of an Elk.

2.  Any person under the age of 12 will not be allowed to use the pool, or any Club facilities, including the upper floor, unless accompanied by a Member or the spouse of a Member. Any person under 12 years old cannot be left unattended in the pool area without adult supervision.

3.  Pool Rules must be observed at all times. Safety is everyone’s concern. Popping of towels, “cannonballs,” running around the pool, punching, drinking and the use of items in the pool such as rafts, surfboards, body/boogie boards, water guns, large tubes, and balls and are prohibited.

4.  A shower must be taken prior to using the pool.

5.  No glassware will be permitted in or around the pool area.

6.  No diving in the shallow end of the pool.

7.  Surfboards, kayaks, boogie boards, and other ocean-use equipment shall be rinsed only at the shower stall adjacent to the stairway leading to the ocean.

Sauna Rules

  1. Please do not dry clothes or towels in the sauna. (It is a fire hazard)
  2. Please shower before using the sauna.
  3. No bare skin on seating areas. Use a towel.



1.  Keycards for the locker rooms and fitness facility are for use by Members and holders of valid Elk Lodge 616 Identification Cards only. They are not to be loaned or used on behalf of non-members or other members. Key cards are available for purchase by Members and those with valid Lodge Identification Cards. Use of key cards by an unauthorized person may result in the forfeiture of the key card.

2.  No food or beverages will be permitted in the locker rooms or fitness facility.

3.  No smoking will be permitted in locker rooms or the fitness facility.

4.  Shirts or tops and other appropriate exercise attire, along with athletic or closed-toe shoes, shall be worn in the fitness facility—no bare feet or slippers.

5.  No overnight drying of towels, clothing, shoes, etc. No overnight storing of personal items on top lockers.

6.  Wipe down equipment after usage.

7.  No cell phones or cameras in the locker rooms or fitness facility.

8.  Neither the Lodge nor Club will be responsible for any personal items missing from the Lodge or Club facilities.

9.  No one of any age of the opposite gender is allowed inside the locker room at any time.

Restaurant and Bar

1.  Outside food and beverage may not be brought into the Club premises except when expressly permitted in advance in writing by the House Committee.

2.  Persons under 21 years of age are not permitted at any time to sit at the bar; however, persons under 21 will be permitted in the Cocktail Lounge if accompanied by an authorized patron at least 21 years old.

3.  No person shall be permitted in the Bar, Lounge, Dining Room or Lobby with wet attire or with suntan lotion or sand on their bodies, or without wearing a shirt or cover-up.

4. A dress code will be in effect for the restaurant after 7:00 p.m. The evening dress code will be posted at the Front Desk. All Members and guests using the restaurant after 7:00 p.m. must be in acceptable attire according to the evening dress code.

(a).  Acceptable restaurant attire for men: shirt with collar, trousers or walking shorts, and shoes or sandals.

(b).  Acceptable restaurant attire for women: dresses, skirts, slacks/long pants, dress shorts or Aloha attire, and shoes or sandals.

Those who are not in acceptable attire, but wish to remain on the Club premises, are allowed in the Bar and Cocktail Lounge or around the pool.

5.  Music in the first floor Club area inside may continue until 1:00 a.m. Music may not be permitted in any other area after 10:00 p.m. The Club Manager and Club supervising assistants, and members of the House Committee will enforce curbs on amplification to ensure noise is not excessive.

6.  No Member or guest, except Lodge Officers, Board Members, or House Committee members performing a duty, shall be allowed in the kitchen area or behind the bar. For safety and security reasons, an Officer or House Committee member should advise the Club Manager before entering the kitchen or work area. The Manager on duty should escort the working Elk Member through the kitchen or work area.

7.  The Club reserves the right to refuse service to anyone. It is a violation when a Member or bona fide guest(s) refuses to leave when asked to do so by the Club Manager, Exalted Ruler, or members of the House Committee. Failure to immediately leave is deemed conduct unbecoming of an Elk.

8.  To control the bird population, please do not feed the birds.

9. The holder of an Elks Lodge Member Card or Elks Lodge Identification Card must present their respective card to the server or bartender before placing any food and/or drinks orders.