Secretary’s Report – November 2020
Secretary’s Report – November 2020

Well, as we continue to address membership items during this period of COVID 19, the only thing consistent is change, as we try to stay abreast of ever-changing restrictions and communicate Lodge adherence and application of these changes. Dues delinquency is currently at 380 members, with a rate at 9.97% which is higher than normal, but understandable of course, given the uncertainty of the times. A recent delinquency reminder letter sent out late last month has resulted in some members becoming current. We again ask members to keep their email addresses current as this is the best form of communication as the monthly newsletter is just not frequent enough in today’s world.
New member applications remain strong despite lacking full availability of the Lodge and amenities. Adhering to protocol of the three-step ritual processing has its challenges with certain allowances by Grand Lodge to facilitate processing. Recent understanding of the City Tier 1 restrictions is allowing a return to Lodge meetings.
In the October Aloha Elk, we ran an article on the history of Elks owned burial plots at Oahu Cemetery and how sales have generated $210,000. We also own plots at Valley of The Temples and Hawaiian Memorial Park Cemetery, so if there is interest, please contact the Secretary’s office at 923-5525 or email at
Stay safe, stay well and stay current.
Aloha e a hui hou,
Secretary, George West