Secretary’s Report – August 2022

Secretary’s Report – August 2022


We are well into summer and the Lodge is bustling with activity from members and guests enjoying dining and entertainment, poolside lounging, use of workout facilities and participation in the many fitness and wellness programs. To ensure the maximum opportunity for 616 members, procedures are in place for all activities. Please remember to present your membership card upon entry and to have proper parking decals or passes displayed. Staff will explain the rules for use of facilities and amenities to again maximize opportunity and enjoyment for 616 members.

Unfortunately, there have been instances of misuse of identification (spouse) cards where incorrect information has been submitted to obtain the card, or cards are being “loaned.” This abuse unduly taxes Lodge utilization. Procedures are underway to correct the procedure for obtaining identification cards. Please, let’s all respect what is proper and good for the Lodge.

The annual audit report was wrapped up last month. This is the third year with the current audit firm which allows for more in-depth review in new areas in succeeding years.

After a year of monitoring, we joined the Grand Lodge membership renewal program which has saved us substantial time and money, but there were a few bumps in the road. Next year, with lessons learned, processing will be smoother and more efficient. Nationally the program is a great success reducing costs and facilitating membership retention and growth. Interesting to note, that 616 with the largest membership by far (4,300+/-)of the Hawaii Lodges, we have the lowest delinquency rate at 4.89% which is a testament to the membership wanting to timely renew membership in our fine Lodge! Congratulations to the 616 membership!

Aloha, e a hui hou
George West, Secretary