Reopening Club Restaurant and Bar
Reopening Club Restaurant and Bar

Aloha Fellow Elks,
As you are aware, the Mayor has issued a new order that affects the opening and operations of the Club. We have looked at the order carefully and have consulted with the City. I wanted to share with you what the City is requiring of us let you know that we are following the letter of the law.
We’ll reopen the Club Restaurant and Bar at 3PM Friday September 25 with the following restrictions:
- Restaurant dining and Bar seating is by reservation. Please call ahead. Walk-ins may have to wait for a reservation time.
- Group dining in the Restaurant and at Poolside is limited to five people of the same household per table. The member responsible for the bill must provide contact tracing information for the table providing full names, address, and phone numbers for each person.
- The Bar will seat one and two-person parties. Two-person parties must be people of the same household. Bar patrons are required to supply contact tracing information.
- No standing around the Bar. No ordering from the Bar unless seated at the Bar.
- Masks must be worn at tables and at the Bar except when eating and drinking. Please note that this requirement is a stricter standard than that of the previous order.
- No liquor served or consumed after 10PM.
- Ocean access for surfers and swimmers is now available.
- The Pool will be open for free swim. Pool users who sit at poolside tables must be from the same household and must provide contact tracing information. Please maintain six feet distance in the pool from other parties.
- Members using Lounge Chairs on the grass and under umbrellas must provide contact tracing information. Two-person parties using lounge chairs must be from the same household.
- Locker rooms will be open. Please maintain six feet distance in the locker rooms.
- The Gym remains closed until further notice.
- The pool will be open for lap swimming from 6AM-8AM, seven days a week. Free swim will run from 9AM-6PM. Groups are responsible for distancing while in the pool.
- Please do not use the parking lot as a gathering area.
We ask your patience and kokua as we go forward. We realize the order’s imperfections, but together we must observe the new regulations or risk citation or closure from the Department of Health and the Liquor Commission.
As we have done throughout these trying times, let’s come together as Elks and keep each other safe.
Fraternally yours,
Russ Motter
Exalted Ruler