Exalted Ruler’s Report – November 2022
Exalted Ruler’s Report – November 2022

November 1, 2022 | Exalted Ruler
“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.” – John F Kennedy
Our wonderful Lodge members continue to demonstrate their gratitude and appreciation every day by giving generously to our charities and our fellow members. In just this past month you have donated hundreds of pounds of food for the Hawaii Foodbank, donated $10,000 to Carmen’s Kitchen to feed the hungry, bequeathed $100,000 to our Lodge endowment fund to be used for local charities, and volunteered your precious time to help in the community and at the lodge.
In October, our much-anticipated Bingo Fundraising event returned. Bingo attendees enjoyed fantastic Hawaiian food and all the fun and excitement of our annual pre covid Bingo events.
Our members were the beneficiaries of fantastic Bingo prizes gifted to us by some of our appreciative vendors and neighbors. Bingo prizes and silent auction items included; a 55” Smart TV, Dinner for ten at the Outrigger Canoe Club, PlayStation 5, Diamond pendant, Sig Zane surfboard, series 7 Apple watch, iPad mini, beach bundle including a Yeti cooler and beach wagon, a Stand Up Paddleboard, and much more.
We are all truly blessed. As residents of this glorious State in this amazing country, it is easy to take many of our blessings for granted.
Having traveled throughout the world and lived for periods of time in the middle east and far east, I learned to appreciate the wonders of these islands and our country. Each morning I wake up grateful to have another new and unique day to experience life. Enjoying the relative
serenity of the early morning, I reflect on the riches we have here. Living life breathing clean air, with potable water to drink, and sunlight to warm our bodies and sustain our agriculture is a blessing not enjoyed by the vast majority of people on our planet. Living in a country where we have the freedom to be able to express frustration with the system, and voice our opinions without fear of repercussions is another reason to be thankful. We are able to see, hear, smell and touch things, something that not all people get to enjoy. Experiencing the kindnesses of coworkers, trades people and strangers, gifts that are easily overlooked, but which add so much to our lives.
The month of November is the beginning of our annual holiday season. Hopefully we can all take some time out from the demands of the season to stop and recount the many small and large things we take for granted, and that we can feel grateful for each day.
Let someone know they are appreciated!
E Hana Kākou
Let’s work together
Gloria Yau
Exalted Ruler
“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.” – William Arthur Ward