Exalted Ruler’s Report – February 2023

Exalted Ruler’s Report – February 2023


February 1, 2023 | Exalted Ruler

The greatest degree of inner tranquility comes from the development of love and compassion. The more we care for the happiness of others, the greater is our own sense of well-being.” – Dalai Lama 

While we are still feeling the warm afterglow of the holidays and all the different kinds of love that the season inspires, February arrives with Valentine’s Day and more messages of love. 

According to Greek philosophy there are seven different kinds of love. 

Eros, the romantic, passionate, sensual love that makes your body tingle. 

Philia, the deep comradely friendship manifested as a loyalty and willingness to sacrifice for your friend.

Storge, the unconditional, familial love that is a natural, instinctual kind of affection. 

Agape, this selfless, universal love is considered the highest form of love— given without the expectation of anything in return-charity, love of God.

Ludus, the playful affection between children or flirtatious playful love that is exciting and as yet uncommitted.

Pragma, the committed, mature, realistic long-lasting love that values compromise, patience and tolerance.

Philautia, a self-love, not the unhealthy variety associated with narcissism, but the kind that makes us feel secure in ourselves, creates self- esteem bolsters self-confidence. and in turn allows us to give love to others. Aristotle observed that, “All friendly feelings for others are an extension of a man’s feelings for himself.”

To have a full life, we should try to nurture these various kinds of love in relationships with a wide range of people,— spouse, family, friends, strangers and even yourself. Your Lodge is the perfect place to enjoy Philia, aka Brotherly Love, and engage in Agape through our charitable works.
Looking back, January rushed by very quickly. One of our Lodge members, Karin Lynn, traveled to Pasadena to help with the decorations on our Elks Rose Bowl Parade Float. This is the first time since 1996 that the Elks has had a float in the parade. This type of float is limited to 35 in the parade and it took 10 years on the waiting list to get back into the parade.

Our Elks Grand Exalted Ruler Bruce Hidley, and his lovely First Lady Helen, visited Hawaii from January 3 to 5, to bring his message “Promoting Elkdom with Enthusiasm” to our Lodges. Honolulu Lodge welcomed the GER at a Gala Event with music provided by Andy Sexton and hula by three outstanding performers. We were thrilled to experience the Oli of Kumu Hula Kula Abiva, and the classic and modern hula danced so movingly by two of our own very beautiful and talented employees: Carla Holmes who, with Kumu Abiva, has performed at Merry Monarch, and Cheryl Lono, who danced with the Don Ho show. King Kalakaua famously said “Hula is the language of the heart”. Their Oli and dancing certainly touched our hearts.

We, the members of Honolulu Lodge, are so blessed with so much love, beauty and generosity surrounding us. We have the opportunity to cultivate, hold close and cherish the friendships that blossom here.

“I give you a new commandment: love one another. As I have loved you, so you also should love one another.” -John 13:34

E Hana Kākou

Let’s work together

Gloria Yau, ER