Exalted Ruler’s Report – September 2020
Exalted Ruler’s Report – September 2020

As I write, COVID cases are spiking on Oahu and the Mayor has issued stringent new orders that include beach and park closures, and heightened enforcement of laws regulating restaurants and bars.
There are simple measures that we Elks can take to protect one another and to maintain uninterrupted operation of the Club. Masking is becoming second nature to most of us, so please continue to mask while in the Club.
Distancing and intermingling are more difficult in the convivial atmosphere of our restaurant and bar, but we must be vigilant. Please do not rearrange seating in the restaurant, pool, or bar areas. If you need assistance, please ask management or staff for assistance. Avoid intermingling between tables and please do not
stand around the bar.
The Liquor Commission and the Department of Health have been visible all over town as we try to tamp down the COVID surge. Management and staff will be issuing friendly reminders to comply with these orders, so as Elks, let’s do our part.
Fraternally yours,
Russell Motter
Exalted Ruler